The City of Ann Arbor unanimously passed a resolution this month committing to using 100% clean and renewable energy for all city facilities by 2035. Ann Arbor has come one step closer to reaching their ambitious Climate Action Plan goal of reducing citywide emissions.
Michigan Climate Action Network's 100% Cities campaign helped to show organizers in Ann Arbor that other Michigan cities successfully passed similar resolutions, proving this kind of work is possible. MICAN would like to acknowledge the terrific job by Mara Herman at the Ecology Center (a MICAN member organization). She helped to coordinate all partners in this effort. The Energy Commission passed the recommendation back in September, Councilpersons Chip Smith and Chuck Warpehoski brought it to the Council table, and Mayor Taylor and all Councilpeople unanimously supported it.
Sign the thank you card to the Mayor and City Council who worked hard to understand the issues and used the courage to vote unanimously for this achievement.
Mayor Christopher Taylor, and Councilpersons Anne Bannister, Sumi Kailasapathy, Jane Lumm, Kirk Westphal, Zachary Ackerman, Julie Grand, Jack Eaton, Graydon Krapohl, Chip Smith, and Chuck Warpehoski.