
The Michigan Climate Action Network is a 501c3 nonprofit organization with more than 130 members, founded in 2015.

Our Mission:

The Michigan Climate Action Network amplifies, connects, and supports the people, organizations, and communities demanding urgent, bold, and equitable solutions for a just transition to a resilient future.

Our Vision:

By 2042, we will have established Michigan as a leader in equitable climate solutions and achieved durable, diverse, and widespread public support for a just transition, ensuring a sustainable home for all Michiganders.

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See the Movement!

Watch videos of MiCAN and partner events, MiCAN history and past summits!

MiCAN & Partners                   Summit


Our biggest and best summit yet! We hosted the 5th annual Michigan Climate Summit designed to inform, inspire, and uplift while exploring the intersections between civic engagement, social justice, and climate action: Climate Civics.



Showing 1 reaction

  • Delbert Crawford
    commented 2023-01-16 11:26:43 -0500
    How do I Share with folks in my community. Is there a link or group (facebook). Lansing, MI?


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Michigan working for a stable climate

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