Wednesday, April 17, 2019
8:45 a.m.– 3:30 p.m. EDT
Central United Methodist Church
Lansing, MI
United States
Mike Berkowitz
Lobby Day will convene at the Central United Methodist Church in Lansing at 8:45am. The church is located at 215 N. Capitol Ave., Lansing, at the corner of Capitol & Ottawa, just across the street from the Capitol Building. We’ll be pushing lawmakers to approve legislation to save Lake Erie (and all bodies of water for that matter) by banning the application of livestock operation waste on frozen and snow-covered soil. We'll be lobbying on one other issue as well, but our legislative committee is still determining which topic that will be.
All lobbying takes place in teams of 2 to 6 people. Each team will be led by an experienced Lead Lobbyist who knows their way around the Capitol and will lead the meetings. No experience is necessary.
Lobby Day is $10, which is payable at the event by check, cash, or credit card. This helps us cover half of the event cost. REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS Friday, April 12th AT 5PM. SIGN UP NOW!