Killed the Office of Climate?

UPDATE 7:00 PM THURSDAY: The Senate Oversight Committee debated rescinding the executive orders but took no vote Thursday. Hearings will continue next week - KEEP UP THE PRESSURE by calling the Senators listed below!

UPDATE 5:15 PM WEDNESDAY: The House voted along party lines to overturn the executive orders. It could be voted on in the Senate as early as this Thursday.

We urgently need your help calling lawmakers TODAY to protect new critical action on climate change in Michigan. A Senate vote could happen early the week of Feb. 11. This has already passed in the House.

On Monday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued executive orders to reorganize the MDEQ into a new Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, and create a new Office of Climate and Energy. 

The executive orders are strong. They also eliminate the environmental rules review and permit oversight committees that were created by the legislature last year in the "Fox Guarding the Hen House" legislation, panels dominated by industry representatives. And they create Environmental Justice and Clean Water Advocate positions within the Department. 

Voters overwhelmingly chose to support a new pro-climate and environment approach by electing Gov. Whitmer. Some in the legislature now want to claw back these positive changes and overturn the executive orders. They can do this with a simple majority vote, but we have a chance to get the Senate to prevent this from happening.

Call These Legislators To Prevent This Rollback

Sen. Wayne Schmidt  517-373-2413
Sen. John Bumstead  517-373-1635
Sen. Ruth Johnson  517-373-1636
Sen. Roger Victory  517-373-6920
Sen. Curt VanderWall  517-373-1725
Sen. Dale Zorn  517-373-3543

Please also call your Senator, too: Find their number (the Upper Chamber) here.

When you've made the call, report your call here!


State your name and where you are calling from. Mention one or more of these and why it's important to you.

  • Please support the new executive orders and vote no on any resolution to overturn them.
  • The Office of Climate and Energy created by these executive orders is an important step to address the threat of climate change.
  • We need a concentrated effort to mitigate PFAS and clean up drinking water, and these new executive orders strengthen Michigan's ability to do this.

Thank you.

107 calls made
125 Calls

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Showing 107 reactions

  • Jennifer Murtaugh
    endorsed 2019-02-13 16:56:30 -0500
    The call was answered by an actual (very polite) person.
  • Nathan Walsh
    endorsed 2019-02-12 21:14:16 -0500
  • Rochelle Habeck
    endorsed 2019-02-12 16:25:32 -0500
    Called Bumstead, Johnson and VanderWall
  • Hilary Hunt
    endorsed 2019-02-12 16:01:37 -0500
    Called all of the senators listed above! Thank you MiCAN!
  • Steve Gilbert
    endorsed 2019-02-12 14:58:48 -0500
    I called all of the Senators on the list as well as the Senator from my district
  • Silvia Roederer
    endorsed via 2019-02-12 13:11:59 -0500
    This is SO IMPORTANT! Thanks for the numbers. I called every one of the senators above. Very polite staff at most numbers, who tallied my request for the Office of Climate and Energy to stand. At the remaining two numbers, I left voice mail.
  • Lindsey Walker
    endorsed 2019-02-12 12:14:02 -0500
    Called my senator, wayne schmidts office and spoke to Makayla. Asked her to encourage the Senator to vote No on overturning Governor Whitmer’ s executive order. And how important an office on climate change is to me as a newly elected city councilwoman in petoskey to begin to address climate change and resiliency in our Stare
  • Carlene Habian
    endorsed via 2019-02-12 09:25:53 -0500
    Please vote to support the governs climate action initiative !!
  • Nicola Philpott
    endorsed 2019-02-11 18:36:33 -0500
  • Joyce Stein
    endorsed 2019-02-11 16:07:06 -0500
    I phoned Senator Shirley’s office as I am one of his constituents. I am currently on your mailing lists
  • Bruce Evans
    endorsed via 2019-02-11 13:15:54 -0500
  • Susan Vayette
    endorsed via 2019-02-10 22:51:28 -0500
    Please support Gov Whitmer!!
  • Judy Nolen
    endorsed via 2019-02-10 22:05:35 -0500
  • Anna Fisher
    endorsed via 2019-02-10 20:58:37 -0500
    I called Sen Schmidt asking him to support Gov Whitmer’s executive orders and vote no on any resolution to overturn them.
  • Dovetta Ziegler
    endorsed via 2019-02-10 10:54:27 -0500
  • Chere Mcmillon
    endorsed via 2019-02-09 22:51:19 -0500
    We need to clean up our water it has lead and cancer causing agents in it
  • Carol Kleinert
    endorsed 2019-02-09 17:29:48 -0500
    left message for Sen Wayne Schmidt
  • Dennis Neely
    endorsed 2019-02-09 16:22:41 -0500
  • Joanne Cromley
    endorsed 2019-02-09 15:04:06 -0500
    Please support the executive order to protect clean water and OUR Great Lakes! W. Schmidt
  • john Ford
    endorsed via 2019-02-09 13:18:07 -0500
    Called all of the Senators
  • Joseph Klimovitz
    endorsed via 2019-02-09 08:50:32 -0500
    Called Bumstead
  • John Wierenga
    endorsed via 2019-02-08 19:10:03 -0500
  • David Petrove
    endorsed 2019-02-08 15:44:50 -0500
  • Joanne Durham
    endorsed via 2019-02-08 13:09:35 -0500
    Called to endorse. Thank you for supporting our clean water.
  • Katie Vasquez
    endorsed 2019-02-08 10:50:34 -0500
  • Kathryn Parker
    endorsed 2019-02-08 09:29:36 -0500
  • Terry Coveyou
    endorsed via 2019-02-08 08:27:29 -0500
    There will never come a day when special interests and industry … over the voice of your constituents is going to be accepted. You jobs are to represent us not them.

    DO YOUR JOB !!!
  • Joshua Gonzalez
    endorsed via 2019-02-07 20:07:24 -0500
  • Charlie Weaver
    endorsed 2019-02-07 19:12:27 -0500
    To Sen VanderWall yesterday. Office staff very unresponsive.
  • Judi Markos
    endorsed via 2019-02-07 18:47:55 -0500
    I just left a message for Ruth Johnson


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Michigan working for a stable climate

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