Friday, April 19, 2024
3:00 p.m.– 5:00 p.m. EDT
Meet at the Flagpoles on the corner of W Michigan Ave & Ring Rd N on WMU’s campus OR at K College’s “Red Square”
Mia Breznau
Join us in marching to demand Climate Justice, in accordance with the Friday’s for Future Spring Global Strike Day! Marches will begin at WMU at 3 p.m. and KCollege at 3:30 p.m. and join together on the way to Bronson Park. Rally starts at 4p in Bronson Park, and will include light refreshments, tabling from local climate organizations, earth-day inspired actions, and speeches from guests like Denise Keele, Director of MiCAN, and Mia Breznau, Michigan's 2023 Youth Climate Leader of the Year! This Earth Week Kick-Off Rally is part of WMU’s Spring Into Action series and is organized by the WMU Climate Change Working Group and the Ardea Youth Climate Coalition. #SystemChangeNotClimateChange!