Leaders of the Oil & Water Don't Mix campaign examine the victory and next steps after Gov. Whitmer revoked the Enbridge Line 5 oil pipeline easement.
This is a huge win for the Oil & Water Don't Mix coalition and other organizations in Michigan, and thousands of people who have been working to get this pipeline shut down for over 7 years.
In this episode, host Kate Madigan speaks with four leaders of the OWDM campaign to talk about this huge win - how it happened and what we need to do going forward - because it is not over yet, and Enbridge is still pursuing their oil tunnel project. With us today we have Sean McBrearty, Clean Water Action, who coordinates the OWDM Campaign; Liz Kirkwood, Executive Director of FLOW - For Love of Water; Jim Lively, Program Director of Groundwork Center and the Great Lakes Business Network; and Mike Ripley, Environmental Coordinator with the Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority (CORA).
For more background about the Line 5 pipeline, listen to podcast Episiode 3 with Bay Mills Indian Community chairman Bryan Newland, and Episode 6 with Great Lakes Business Network members Larry Bell, president of Bell's Brewery, and Beth Wallace, policy director with National Wildlife Federation.
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