Wednesday, November 11, 2020
1:00 p.m.– 2:00 p.m. EST
Tom Porter
Voices for Carbon Neutrality (VCN) is a broad coalition of University of Michigan faculty, alumni, and students launched in April 2018 to serve as a catalyst and accelerator to drive the U-M to carbon neutrality (CN) with urgency. VCN is offering two webinars focused on two key aspects of achieving CN that need to be primary in the PCCN report. Because of the importance of these topics, we are urging UM leaders and the Regents to attend these webinars.
This webinar is on financial options for carbon neutrality including successful public-private partnerships in the past two years. VCN is concerned (1) that U-M will not move quickly enough given the scale and urgency of the climate crisis and (2) that as a result of the extra resources needed to keep U-M running during COVID, leadership may feel it won't have the resources to fully implement a CN plan. While CN is often framed as competing with other efforts for resources, proven CN financing models can instead provide resources to UM to address CN and other issues simultaneously.
The webinar is free and open to the public.