Register My Party9 parties are happening so far
Wednesday, September 04, 2019
Kate Madigan
On September 4, Democratic presidential candidates will focus entirely on the climate crisis at a town hall that will air live on CNN platforms around the world.
We know that one of the best ways to encourage climate action is by sharing stories and talking with family and friends about the climate crisis. This town hall serves as a perfect starting point for these important conversations.
You can make a difference by making sure more people watch and discuss this upcoming Town Hall. Register a Watch Party now to let us know that you will host one in your community! It can be private with your friends and family only - or public to include guests you may not know (let us know in the RSVP form below).
See the Map of Registered Parties
How to organize a watch party
Plan the Event
- Pick a location where you have a reliable connection to CNN. You can host at your home, or arrange to meet at a bar or restaurant that is quiet enough for people to hear and that will tune in to the town hall.
- Send out invitations and reminders to your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. CNN just announced the times - see below. The Town Halls will occur over a 7-hour period, so choose the party time that works best for you.
- Have snacks and drinks— even invite guests to bring a dish to pass.
- Plan topics for discussion so you can engage with your guests before/after the town hall.
The Day of Your Party
- Make sure your cable/livestream and your speakers/subtitles are working properly.
- Greet your guests and have them sign up to receive MiCAN emails here that share actions they can take on climate.
- Hold an icebreaker discussion where your guests can introduce themselves and share stories or concerns about climate change.
- Make watching the town hall more engaging by participating in activities, like making predictions with your guests or playing "candidate bingo."
- Take plenty of photos!
- Engage in wrap-up discussion about what you saw and heard.
By registering your house party here on our website, a pin (with just your first name) will be added to our digital map below showing all of the MiCAN watch parties happening around Michigan. If you want to go big and make it a Public event, we'll create an Event page that you can share to encourage others to attend.
For more detailed tips, check out our Watch Party Planning Guide.
More about the CNN Climate Crisis Town Hall
The candidates will take questions directly from a live studio audience in New York and a CNN moderator. The audience will be drawn from Democratic voters interested in the issue. CNN has just announced their schedule, and it's quite drawn out. You can pick any time that works for you!
- Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro will be interviewed by CNN's Wolf Blitzer at 5 p.m. ET
- Businessman Andrew Yang, who will also be interviewed by Blitzer, will come on at 5:40 p.m.
- California Sen. Kamala Harris will be interviewed by CNN's Erin Burnett at 6:20 p.m.
- Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who will also be interviewed by Burnett, will appear at 7 p.m.
- Former Vice President Joe Biden will be interviewed by CNN's Anderson Cooper at 8 p.m.
- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who will also be interviewed by Cooper, will be on at 8:40 p.m.
- Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren will be interviewed by CNN's Chris Cuomo at 9:20 p.m.
- South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who will also be interviewed by Cuomo at 10 p.m.
- Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke will appear with CNN's Don Lemon at 10:40 p.m.
- New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker will also be interviewed by Lemon and will come on at 11:20 p.m.
Climate Crisis Watch Parties
Your party will be added to this map! If it's a Private party, we'll add your first name and city to the map. If your party is open to the public (for example if you're holding it in a restaurant or bar, or if you want to invite others to your home), we'll add your first name, email address, and street address to the map.