Thursday, July 25, 2024
9:00 a.m.– 3:30 p.m. EDT
Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary School
1353 Van Auken St SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49508
United States
Bridget K. Booth, Certified Environmental Educator, MAEOE Director at Large
The Michigan Alliance for Environmental & Outdoor Education (MAEOE) is excited to announce its Climate Education summer workshop series, comprised of four distinct and complementary day-long workshops featuring expert speakers, engaging activities, training in excellent teaching materials, and lots of resources. The session fee is $15 per workshop, with discounts for attending multiple (3 sessions = $40, all 4 = $50). This covers lunch, snacks, and program materials, and you can earn 6 SCECHs per workshop!
In this fourth and final session, Climate Solutions: Stories of Hope, you will hear about the positive strides in public support for climate change education in the United States and Michigan and participate in activities focused on mitigation, adaptation and solutions. Learn about the MI Healthy Climate Plan and how you can lead your students to civic engagement with experts from Take Action Global and Michigan Climate Action Network. Share ideas and resources, network, and find support for your climate education goals.
Preceding Workshops:
- Teaching Strategies & Resources: Part 2 - July 24th - Ken-O-Sha Park Elementary School, Grand Rapids
- Teaching Strategies & Resources: Part 1 - June 25th - Nokomis Cultural Center, Okemos
- Science & Social Context of Climate Change - June 24th - Haslett Middle School, Haslett