Wednesday, January 10, 2024
6:00 p.m.– 7:00 p.m. EST
Virtual via Zoom
The State of Michigan would like to engage with frontline and grassroots community-based groups and leaders across Michigan who would benefit from historic levels of federal funding to address environmental justice and climate equity in their communities.
Please join the Office of the Environmental Justice Public Advocate (OEJPA), in partnership with the Office of Climate and Energy and the Michigan Infrastructure Office, for an informational webinar to learn more about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Community Change Grants and how the state can support application efforts. If you have a vision to address environmental and climate justice issues and help your community thrive or if you are part of a coalition or plan to actively pursue funding for your community, then you should plan to join us.
Michigan Support Webinar
The State of Michigan is committed to promoting awareness of the U.S. EPA Community Change Grant opportunity and supporting community-based groups working on environmental and climate justice to pursue these funds. This webinar will introduce attendees to the Community Change Grants and explain how frontline environmental and climate justice communities and grassroots groups can benefit from this unique and unprecedented program. Attendees will also learn about opportunities to receive no-fee/pro bono technical assistance for developing organizational capacity, project plans, partnerships, and applications for the Community Change Grants.