RSVP4 people are attending
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
6:30 p.m.– 7:30 p.m. EDT
French Auditorium, Central Michigan University (Located inside the Education and Human Services Building)
195 E Ojibway Ct
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
United States
Amanda Robert
Join Central Sustainability for a screening of the adventure/conservation documentary Troubled Water in celebration of Campus Sustainability Month.
Following the film, there'll be a discussion on the pipeline's challenges.
Troubled Water chronicles a 36-day, 425-mile journey on standup paddleboards along the Great Lakes. The film is directed by Davis Huber and produced by William Wright and Chris Yahanda. The idea was sparked by the three friends on their summer paddle trip down Michigan’s west coast. Chris received a text alert that a judge had temporarily shut down Line 5 after Canadian oil company Enbridge failed to abide by the State’s shutdown order. As the sun set over Lake Michigan, these lifelong friends couldn’t help but wonder, “How can any Michigander stomach the risk of an oil spill on this coastline?” Inspired to do something, they created a film to shed light on the manmade impacts of Michigan's freshwater, including the Enbridge Line 5 pipeline, which carries nearly 23 million gallons of crude oil and natural gas liquids daily beneath the Straits of Mackinac.
This is a great way to raise awareness of the risks associated with the aging Line 5 pipeline.
Don't miss the opportunity for an enlightening experience on a critical topic in our community!