Thursday, August 12, 2021
11:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. EDT
Grant Pavilion, Millennium Park
Grand Rapids, MI
United States
Michigan Battle of the Buildings
The 2021 Michigan Energy Summit will recognize and celebrate competitors of the Michigan Battle of the Buildings ‘biggest loser’ competition. Building Owners and Managers have faced significant challenges since the pandemic began but there’s been no shortage of innovators and leaders who have made lemonade out of lemons. Let's come together to share your story and celebrate the victories.
This year, the summit will be hosted under the Grant Pavilion at beautiful Millennium Park in Grand Rapids, one of the nation's largest city parks with 1400 acres of natural landscape. There will be educational elements that you know and love - with an outdoor twist. Guests will have a hands-on day of interactive energy and carbon problem solving, fun yard games, and valuable in-person networking that we haven’t been able to do in person for more than a year.
The Michigan Energy Summit will be hosted under a pavilion and adjacent tents but we will still be subject to potential elements, so dressing for the weather is encouraged. This event will follow all current CDC guidelines for the health and safety of our guests and staff.
11:00 AM
Registration, Lunch, Exhibitors, & Networking
11:45 AM
Welcome & Opening Plenaries
Cheri Holman, USGBC West Michigan
Brian Rich, Consumers Energy
Henry Decker, DTE Energy
1:00 PM
1:20 PM
Planning for a Zero Carbon City: A Collaborative Approach
Webly Bowles, New Buildings Institute
2:40 PM
Awards Ceremony
3:00 PM
Yard Games Sponsored by Hedrick, Networking & Exhibitors
4:30 PM
Detroit Lions Happy Hour & Raffle