Attending a candidate event may allow you to inject climate into the conversation. The questions below align with our 2024 Candidate Questionnaire but are formatted to make it easy to ask a candidate in person at an event.
Feel free to choose one or more questions to read. The questions include information to help educate candidates on the issues we face. Note their answers and share them with MiCAN using the same form.
We suggest pulling the form up on your phone—it will provide the questions and an easy way to record their responses. Alternatively, download and print the questionnaire if you're more comfortable reading from paper. Submit the answers online later using the form below.
We are recording answers through August 6, 2024. Answers will be distributed to MiCAN organizational members and may be published in part or whole. MiCAN does not endorse candidates. If you have questions, please get in touch with MiCAN Executive Director Dr. Denise Keele.