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The Trump Administration announced plans to eliminate the Clean Power Plan – America’s first-ever national limits on climate pollution from existing power plants. This decision ignores climate science and the clear evidence of climate impacts that our nation is reeling from right now – with devastating hurricanes and wildfires made worse by a warming planet.
Don’t let the Trump Administration roll back the Clean Power Plan.
The Clean Power Plan would speed the transition to clean energy, reduce the air pollution impacting our health, and save thousands of lives every year. It would bring down electricity costs and create more jobs in the growing clean energy economy.
Dear Administrator Pruitt:
Like most Americans, I support the Clean Power Plan and the many benefits it brings as it accelerates the transition to clean, renewable energy. I’m writing to strongly oppose any attempts to weaken or revoke it.
My state is already moving away from coal-fired power plants because they are no longer economical and because renewable energy will bring our state more jobs, better health, and will save lives. The EPA needs to send a clear signal to industry to encourage a transition to a clean energy future, or we risk being left behind the other nations already well on their way.
Rolling back the Clean Power Plan ignores settled climate science and the clear evidence that the devastating hurricanes and wildfires our nation is experiencing are made worse by greenhouse gas emissions.
Weakening or revoking the Clean Power Plan would allow more carbon emissions at a time when reducing these emissions is critical. It would ignore established law that greenhouse gases are regulated pollutants under the Clean Air Act and that the EPA has a responsibility to protect the public from this harmful pollutant.
Rolling back the Clean Power Plan would cost thousands of American lives and put our health at risk. This action also would slow the transition to clean energy and the jobs and economic investment that come with it.
Please do not revoke or weaken the Clean Power Plan.
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