June 28, 2021 at 9:00am to June 29, 2021 at 9:00am
Washington D.C.
In 2020, young people organized in historic numbers to take back Congress and elect Joe Biden on a bold climate mandate. Our priorities then were clear as they are now: confront the twin crises of climate change and economic insecurity, root the solutions in racial justice, and put our politics on a path that makes a livable future possible.
But instead of listening to our movement and our demands, President Biden has been negotiating with the GOP -- the same political elites who let our communities die from COVID-19 and encouraged white supremacists to storm the Capitol. Nothing good will come of these negotiations, and if they continue our generation stands to lose our best shot at passing the first pillar of the Green New Deal.
So it's time for our movement to do what we do best! Join us for a huge action in DC on Monday, June 28, to show Biden we won't let him get away with this.
This is a critical window of time where we could win the first pillar of the Green New Deal or lose our best shot for years. Will you join hundreds of other Sunrisers gathering in DC on June 28 to make our demands loud and clear?
Read event FAQ here.