Thursday, March 02, 2017
6:30 p.m.– 8:30 p.m. EST
Traverse Area District Library
610 Woodmere Ave
Traverse City, MI 49686
United States
Greg Reisig

Skip Pruss of 5 Lakes Energy
The CLEAN ENERGY NOW!! program features Skip Pruss, principal and co-founder of MICAN business member 5 Lakes Energy where he specializes in energy policy and clean energy system development, will speak on climate change and the need to transition to clean energy sources. In addition, Kate Madigan of MICAN will be speaking on the group TC 100 and Traverse City’s new goal of moving to 100% clean energy by 2020.
Northern Michigan Environmental Action Council (NMEAC) is the oldest environmental advocacy group in northern Michigan.
The event is free and open to the public.