Tuesday, April 23, 2019
9:00 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. EDT
Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center
219 S Harrison Rd
Lansing, MI 48824
United States
Michigan EIBC will be hosting the 7th Annual Member Meeting on Tuesday, April 23 from 9:00 am to 4:45 pm at the Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center in East Lansing. This full-day conference – our most popular event of the year – provides attendees an opportunity to network, learn about innovations in advanced energy, and get an overview on the latest policy developments. There will be several break-out panels throughout the day and dozens of expert panelists. The event brings together leaders in Michigan’s advanced energy industry, utility executives, policymakers, regulators, and others.
The keynote speaker is Vince Faherty, Head of Northeast and Midwest Energy Partnerships at Google. Leading Midwest business development activities for Google, Mr. Faherty works to accelerate the deployment of Google Hardware products and services, including the well-known Nest products. Such hardware products help increase energy efficiency, provide demand response services, and improve end-user experiences. Housed at one of the leading tech companies in the world, Mr. Faherty will share his distinct perspective on the trends in the electricity sector and how smart hardware and software solutions are transforming how customers engage with utilities and energy companies.
To date, the confirmed panel topics are:
Cities of the Future
Moderated by Jacob Koch, Bloomberg Associates
Convergence of Disruptive Distributed Technologies
Moderated by Nathalie Osborn, NextEnergy
Expanding Opportunities: New Demand and Load Growth
Moderated by Caitlin Marquis, Advanced Energy Economy
Financing Energy Innovations
Moderated by Bali Kumar, Lean & Green Michigan
Moving Toward Utility 3.0: Modernizing Energy Efficiency Programs
Moderated by Stephanie Byrd, Schneider Electric
The Future of Renewables in Michigan: Regulatory Constraints and Opportunities
Moderated by Laura Chappelle, Varnum LLP
This conference will sell out, so please get your tickets early. Sponsorship opportunities are also available!
Learn more here: https://mieibc.org/event/7th-annual-member-meeting/