RSVP25 people are attending
Friday, December 06, 2019
2:00 p.m.– 5:00 p.m. EST
Lansing Capitol
100 N Capitol Ave
Lansing, MI 48933
United States
Shelby Krohn
With the consequences of climate change becoming ever more clear and dire with each passing day, a new powerful wave of the climate movement has been swelling up over the last couple of years. Young people around the world have been rising up to defend our future, and have been going on strike – every week, all over the planet – for months. In the September Climate Strikes alone, 7.6 million people took to the streets with us.
But our movement isn't going anywhere. Now, we are preparing for the next wave of Climate Strikes.
At the beginning of the summer, we saw record flooding all throughout the midwest, July was the hottest month on record, and hurricane Dorian was one of the strongest storms to ever come off of the Atlantic - climate change is here and we cannot wait to take action. People, though, are demanding real solutions to the climate crisis and politicians are finally starting to talk about those solutions - every major presidential candidate has expressed support for the Green New Deal. corrupt and established politicians though lack the courage to be a leader in tackling the climate crisis so on Dec 6th, we’re putting all politicians on notice 1 year out from the election: you want our votes in 2020, back the GND!
You can RSVP here as well as on The Action Network.