Tuesday, November 27, 2018
8:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m. EST
Michigan State Capitol
110 N Capitol Ave
Lansing, MI 48933
United States
Sean McBrearty
Dangerous legislation was just introduced in Lansing to change the charter of the Mackinac Bridge Authority (MBA) - a body that has operated independently from political and outside influence since its inception 60 years ago. Why? Gov. Snyder is so intent on building a tunnel for Canadian oil under the Straits, he's willing to gamble away the state's beloved icon. By using the MBA to take over supervision and then ownership of a tunnel for Enbridge, they would circumvent environmental regulations in order to build a tunnel that the state doesn't need and put the solvency of the Mackinac Bridge in jeopardy.
This shotgun wedding would put the Mackinac Bridge on the hook.
If the legislation passes (there is little doubt that the bill was written by Enbridge), it would not only pave the way for a tunnel to be built in the Straits of Mackinac, but it would guarantee that the Line 5 pipeline keeps operating in the Straits for at least 10 more years.
This abomination of a bill must be stopped. And this is how we do it.
Come to lobby our representatives on the first day of Lame Duck session in Lansing. We'll meet to get some lobby training, and then explain how bad this bill is to our reps in the Senate and House.
The first time we had a lobby day, over 100 people came out (pictured above). LET'S DOUBLE THIS! We have arranged a bus from Traverse City to Lansing to make it easy for you to get there! Reserve your seat to carpool with us now!
Show that you're coming here on this event, but PLEASE RSVP at the Oil & Water Don't Mix website if you're pretty sure you can come.