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For The Air We Breathe


Join MiCAN’s West Michigan Engagement Coordinator, Erica Bouldin as she interviews some of her Grand Rapids crew; Ned Andre, Project Coordinator with the Community Collaboration on Climate Change and Nate Rauh-Bieri, Head of Projects at JustAir Solutions

Ned and Nate talk through what IRA funding can do and specifically how Justice40 funding has the opportunity to enhance the work they do, allowing for them to continue to have a more positive impact on the communities they live within. Take a listen and be sure to take some notes!


“As a Leadership Team Director with the Community Collaboration on Climate Change (C4) and a clean air advocate alongside people who have become my friends, I was honored to be the one to hold space for Ned and Nate to talk about their journey navigating IRA funding. As individuals whose job it is to ensure the Justice40 portion of those dollars get properly allocated, they hold a unique perspective on the importance of this funding reaching BIPOC communities here in Grand Rapids and I think this will be a refreshing listening experience. I now am even more hopeful and honored to work alongside these two amazing individuals.”

Erica Bouldin, West Michigan Engagement Coordinator at Michigan Climate Action Network


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