Friday, October 06, 2017
9:30 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. EDT
University United Methodist Church
1120 S Harrison Rd
East Lansing, MI 48823
United States
Interfaith Power & Light
Join Interfaith Power & Light for their 11th Annual Conference.
Heading the Call: Faith, Hope, and Climate Action
The conference will feature congregations and individuals on the front lines of climate action sharing their stories about solar, energy efficiency, water protection and water justice, ethical eating, and advocacy.
Workshops Include:
- Praying with our Feet: A faith response to the Detroit water shutoffs
- Watershed Discipleship: Acting locally to protect creation, an Interfaith story
- Faithful Citizenship: Speaking up for creation in Flint and the Straits of Mackinac
- Ethical Eating in a time of climate change
- Green & Glorious: The win-win of saving energy
- The Gift of the Sun: How congregations have built support for and financed solar projects
Advanced registration is required. Discounts for members and students. Early-bird registration through September 6.