Wednesday, February 22, 2023
6:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. EST
Ann Arbor District Library & Online
Kris Olsson, Climate Reality Project Washtenaw County Chapter
Housing and transportation together account for 42% of our carbon emissions. To minimize climate change, we need to make our buildings more efficient, utilize land and building envelopes more efficiently, and create housing options that allow us to dramatically reduce vehicle miles traveled. What impact do transportation and housing choices have on carbon emissions, affordability and livability? Join Ann Arbor Citizens' Climate Lobby and the City of Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations to discover how to design low carbon, highly livable cities.
Panel discussion with
Jan Culbertson | Leadership Chair, Ann Arbor 2030 District
Reid Ewing | Distinguished Prof. of City & Metropolitan Planning, University of Utah
Chris Laurent | President, Cinnaire Solutions
Jonathan Levine | Prof. of Urban & Regional Planning, University of Michigan