Tuesday, February 23, 2021
7:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. EST
Health issues do not stop at state lines. The Great Lakes emphasize our regional water connection, but what about our shared climate connection? This webinar series will explore the health challenges of the climate crisis, key regional issues that exacerbate climate health harms, and collaborative solution building.
Registration is open and free for all who would like to attend this five-part series. The sessions are as follows:
- January 26 - The Climate & Health Connection: Advocacy Toolkit
- February 23 - Cutting Across the Great Lakes: Health Threats of Pipelines
- March 23 - Farm Without Harm: Agricultural Climate Impacts & Solutions
- April 27 - Sustainable and Resilient Healthcare in the Midwest
- May 25 - Social Determinants of Health and Environmental Justice