Tuesday, July 09, 2024
3:30 p.m.– 5:00 p.m. EDT
Garfield Park
2111 Madison Ave SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49507
United States
William Gallmeyer
What: How are people experiencing climate change? Let’s make some space for that.
Where: Garfield Park (meet in the parking lot off Madison Ave)
Electrify West Michigan (EWM) has focused heavily on the technological aspects of decarbonization. This is good and important work, and we’ve had some great community get-togethers. But it’s not the full picture. How are people experiencing climate change? Let’s make some space for that in July with Climate Café GR. Climate cafés are facilitated conversations that exist to hold space to process feelings or experiences relating to climate change in a group setting. They focus less on solutions or problem solving, and more on the experiential reality of living through climate change. After some general introductions, there will be a few open-ended questions for discussion. We will have (at least) some questions relating to the disconnect between individual responsibility and a shared group problem. We usually end by sharing something that we’re taking away from the experience. It’s not typically a “call to action,” but that can be appropriate at this meeting, if you have any action you feel inspired to take.