Governor Whitmer made a bold executive order and directive which committed our state to cut climate emissions 28 percent by 2025 and achieve economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2050. Michigan is leading the way in terms of bold plans and pledges, but now, it's time to put these plans into action, and the public has a chance to make their recommendations heard at this public listening session.
The listening sessions will begin with an overview of Executive Order 2020-182 that established the Council on Climate Solutions, followed by an explanation of how the council is structured, its role in advising EGLE and the Office of Climate and Energy on the development of the MI Healthy Climate Plan, and background on the workgroup recommendations submitted to date.
Those who cannot attend the listening sessions can offer their topical comments at any time by sending an email to EGLE[email protected].
RSVP Below
Then register for the Zoom event here: