Do you have a comment, question, or suggestion about our mission or this website? Do you need to contact us for some other reason? Let us know what's on your mind.
You can mail us:
Michigan Climate Action Network
602 W. Ionia Street
Lansing, MI 48933
Lansing, MI 48933
Call us: 217-899-6959
Or, even better, send us a note using the form below. Thanks for your patience in waiting for a MiCAN team member to get back to you.
Showing 176 reactions . Jan 26 the Sierra Club has this— . To get the kind of climate policy we need to minimize damages, we’ll need a movement of significant size and stature. These events should be useful for achieving that end.
I’m in Washington at the moment. I’ve found this link to be very useful during my time here— Do you know how we could set up one of these for Michigan, or is that something I should just ask 350Seattle directly? Also, do you know if there’s any Midwest Climate Action group for our region like there is a Cascadia Climate Action group for this region?
Please let me know as soon as you’re able to. Thank you,
Donald Zepeda
Lansing Climate Action/Lansing 350
Are you interested in this?
Let me know as soon as you’re able to. Thank you,
Donald Zepeda
[email protected]
My name is Michael Macaluso and I am this year’s organizer of Michigan Sociological Association being held in Grand Rapids Michigan at Grand Valley State University (Grand Rapids) on October 27th and 28th. Our conference theme this year is Environmental Justice with Keynote Dr. Paul Mohai. I was wondering if the information could be posted on your webpage or FB page? If that is a possibility, please let me know what information is needed and any costs involved. All the flyers and calls are complete and I can send the information.
Thank you very much for your time.
Michael Macaluso
Affiliate Professor
Sociology Department
Grand Valley State University
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 616-331-2871
Here’s the link to the PCM event page:
Thank you!
1) I am on the Antrim County Planning Commission, and we are re-writing our master plan. I have written something on climate change for the plan (which the group will consider in May) but wonder if you have something you’ve done you could send me. I would still use my own words, but your ideas would be helpful, I’m sure. 2) Has anyone crunched the numbers to determine whether, say, northern lower Michigan, is carbon positive, negative or near neutral? That is, whether our forests and farming eat up some (how much?) of the CO2 and methane our cars, buildings (heating), manufacturing, meth labs, etc. produce.
Rally has informational sessions setup regarding buses to the March:
8:30 PM ET on Tues 3/14, 3/21, 3/28 and Thurs 3/16, 3/23, 3/30
10 AM ET on Wed 3/15, 3/22, 3/29 and Fri 3/17, 3/24, 3/31
Web conference link; or just dial in using the conference call number:
Code 803-404-843
I put this list together for Lansing 350’s e-mail list/Google group. Thought you might be interested. It pertains to the Lansing area, specifically.
Hey folks. Here we’ve put together a list of events that relate to climate and climate action in the area (or being promoted by orgs in the area) that you might be interested in, going up to June 13th. Of course you don’t have to go to all of them, and some might be more pertinent to your tastes than others. But here’s the list that we have at the moment.
3/13 – Shut Down Enbridge Line 5 Rally — . 7:30 AM – 10 PM, 7109 W Saginaw Hwy, Lansing MI 48917-1120, USA
3/14 – Ready for 100% East Lansing Meeting — . 6 PM, Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Rd East Lansing MI 48823 E-mail Andrew Sarpolis at [email protected] if you can’t make it to this meeting and/or want to find out more about what went down at the Lansing meeting, how you can help, where to go from here, etc.
3/16 – State Energy Legislation overview — 5:30 – 6:30 PM, Michigan Energy Options, 405 Grove St., East Lansing MI, by GLREA policy chair Sarah Mulkoff. Our guess is that this will get wonky.
3/16 – PCM Planning Meeting — . 7 PM, Schuler Books & Music in Eastwood Town Center. This one is being put on by us. We’ll likely sort out details for how to get to DC, what we’ll do from now until then, how we’ll get people to sister marches if they don’t want to go to DC, etc. Ideal would be to get as many people to DC as possible. : P
3/16 – Lansing Citizens Climate Lobby meeting. 7-9 PM Jacqueline Stewart’s house, 852 Lantern Hill Dr., East Lansing, MI. I think they want you to listen to a conference call recording before you show up here, if you show up. Dunno if the recording’s up on the web, yet, though. The PCM planning meeting for us should take priority over this meeting, but we just wanted folks to know about this, at least.
3/16 – Merchants of Doubt (movie about how climate denial has been sown) showing —¬if_t=group_comment_reply¬if_id=1489350374985354 . 8 PM, Hedrick House, MSU. Again, the PCM Planning Meeting should take precedence to this, but we wanted folks to know that it was happening.
3/25 – America Divided will be screened from 1-3 PM at Mission Union Baptist Church. This showing is being offered by a group called Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation, and is supported by the Kellogg Foundation, also sponsored by One Love Global. This isn’t strictly climate-related, but in the interest of intersectionality of issues, Anna brought this to our attention. We will be more likely to achieve what we want to see in the world by bringing what we know into other spaces (and helping others out with their problems).
3/25 – Lansing 350 Monthly Meeting — . 4-5 PM, downtown Lansing CADL library. Here we will meet, talk a bit about how the PCM Planning Meeting went, see where we need to go from here, if anything’s changed, updates, etc. If you want to add any items to the agenda, please let us know.
3/30 – Before the Flood (movie) showing — 7 PM Hannah Community Center. $7 tickets, $5 for seniors, free for students.
4/8 – Moving Congress to Yes on Climate Solutions — 9 AM – 12 PM is free, the rest of the day is $22 (it’s a full day event, lunch is included.) It’s free for students. Hannah Community Center.
4/20 – LBW&L Community Solar Update — 5:30 – 6:30 PM, Michigan Energy Options. An update on the status of the 300 kW solar project in Burcham Park.
4/22 – March for Science Lansing — . 1 – 4 PM, Michigan State Capitol, 110 N Capitol Ave, Lansing, Michigan 48933. We can use this rally to prime people up (even further than we already would have by this point) to go to the People’s Climate March the next week. And to march for science, too, and make sure climate has an even bigger presence there.
4/29 – The People’s Climate March— . This will be in DC. Those who can’t make it/don’t want to go to DC we can send to other marches in the Midwest (Chicago, Traverse City, etc., wherever seems best for you.) But the goal is to get as many to DC as we can.
5/11 – Battery Options for PV — 5:30 – 6:30 PM. Michigan Energy Options. Solar would be so good, but the sun’s not always shining and there aren’t good enough options for storage! This presentation will explore that concern, and my guess is that it will ultimately completely delegitimize said concern. (Aside from batteries intended specifically for solar storage that exist today, electric water heaters and electric vehicles can serve as solar energy batteries, as well. And reduced energy demand, increased energy efficiency should help, too. [This is just what the author of this e-mail thinks they know on this issue, and might not be fully comprehensive.])
6/11-6/13 – International Citizens Climate Lobby Conference in D.C. If you’re interested in this, let us know and we can connect you to the person who can give you more information on that.
I am going to the Women’s March in Lansing and will have a sign-up sheet for people who’d like to
get involved. The area of top priority to me (others will work on other issues/causes) is the environment.
Even if there isn’t any policy in the works right now, we could schedule a visit to our rep’s office to say
“why aren’t you doing anything about this?”