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Climate Rally at the White House


Saturday, April 23, 2022
1:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. EDT


The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington D.C., DC 20500
United States


Jamie DeMarco

Climate action at the scale of the crisis. Millions of union clean energy and care jobs. Racial, economic, and environmental justice. This was the transformational vision that got President Biden and Democrats elected. For months, we’ve waited for them to keep their promise and pass a bill to make that vision a reality. But special interests have continued to block progress, against the will of the people. 

Enough is enough. We cannot wait any longer. Every year the heat rises, storms worsen, and our dependence on foreign fuels enables authoritarian power grabs–as the world is witnessing with the invasion of Ukraine. We need a massive build-out of American-made clean energy to preserve a habitable planet, create good union jobs, and lower energy bills. We need Congress and state legislatures to invest in an equitable transition to clean energy, made right here in America, and to invest in care jobs to preserve a livable planet and thriving, sustainable communities. 

Now is the time to give it everything we’ve got. This Earth Day, we’re calling for a nationwide mobilization to crank up the pressure and get these historic investments over the finish line. 

On Saturday, April 23, we commit to sending President Biden, Congress, and lawmakers at all levels of government a message they can’t ignore.

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