Sunday, August 06, 2023
2:00 p.m.– 3:15 p.m. EDT
Barbara Sneath
The Climate Emergency is generally thought of as an intellectual and information problem. Scientists tell us the information and we are supposed to act on it— "Knowing" about the emergency should be enough to motivate dramatic action. But that isn't a psychologically informed view. Margaret Klein Salamon believes Climate Emotions are a key missing piece to motivating action at scale.
Humans are emotional and social animals. We evaluate risk socially, not rationally. To unlock transformative changes in individuals and societies, we are going to need to integrate the reality of the climate emergency into all elements of our being— our feelings, our identity, our morality, and our actions. Hear practical advise on how to do this, and help others do the same.
Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD, is a clinical psychologist turned climate activist, Founding Principal of Climate Awakening, and current Executive Director of Climate Emergency Fund. She is the author of Facing the Climate Emergency: How to Transform Yourself with Climate Truth, a radical self-help guide for the climate emergency.