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Climate Change Solutions 2021 with Peter Sinclair


Friday, February 26, 2021




Bill Latka

Climate Change Solutions with Peter Sinclair

The effects of climate change are being seen worldwide and right here in Michigan. Join us for an in-depth look at the unfolding disaster and a deep discussion on what you can do to become involved in creating solutions that will carry us through.

Peter Sinclair is a videographer and journalist who has been tracking the science behind climate change through his decades of scientific interviews and visiting regions that are seeing the effects of our warming atmosphere. He's a frequent contributor to Yale Climate Connections This is Not Cool, Media Director of the Dark Snow Project, Climate Denial Crock of the Week, and NCSE 2017 Friend of the Planet.

You are invited to this fascinating presentation and discussion about the solutions to climate change.

We are thrilled to be hosted by Brotha James himself - Jeremy Reisig. Jeremy will facilitate our conversation so we all take away action steps and good vibes from this event.

One of the ways we’ve all had to adapt and change in an online world is to create personal boundaries around technology. Never before have we had to manage beeps, dings, bells, pop-ups, and every other distraction while we are leading, teaching and training.

As we prepare for our time with Peter we lovingly ask that you honor our agreements of participation:

  1. End to End Attendance: please be prepared to be present from beginning to end.
  2. Be Stationary: please be prepared to participate from a stationary spot. Participation from a moving vehicle, while on a walk, etc. will not work for this type of experience.
  3. Full Engagement: Please have both your video and audio on through your computer/laptop/cellphone.
  4. Fully Present: Please eliminate notifications, distractions, or anything that will take your attention from the experience.

This event is going to be engaging, informational, and interactive. It's sponsored by MiCAN, Northern Michigan Environmental Action Council (NMEAC), and For Love Of Water (FLOW).

Please register for this free event below. You'll receive an email from Zoom with your personal access code.

BIG NOTE! Registration is being handled by NMEAC. You'll end up on their website after you complete the registration form. We encourage you to share the event so that others can join.


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Michigan working for a stable climate

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