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Changing Our Energy Systems: A New Path Toward Sustainable Clean Energy


Tuesday, January 26, 2021
7:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. EST




Sophie Stoepker

Changing Our Energy Systems

A climate-friendly energy system is necessary for our planet to address climate change.

Climate change affects everyone; greenhouse gases must be cut to save the planet, and the obstacles to a climate-friendly energy system are huge. Expert Alain Godeau will explain how new technologies and better practices are stymied by outdated or counterproductive assumptions that are no longer justified. Godeau will outline the root causes of fluctuations in daily energy demand and assess the benefits and drawbacks of a centralized versus distributed power grid. He will also present his vision for a climate-friendly electric power system and obstacles to it.

Godeau was president of Price Waterhouse Canada International and president of Strategic Governance Group International until his retirement in 2008. He was the lead partner in more than 30 European, Asian, African, and Middle Eastern countries.

Former Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell will moderate the event. Event sponsor: Grand Rapids Area Advocacy Team of the Climate Witness Project. Co-sponsors: Citizens Climate Lobby, West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum, and the Sierra Club Michigan Chapter.

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