RSVP3 people are attending
Friday, June 05, 2020
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. EDT
Online via Zoom
Last month, two mid-Michigan dams failed under heavy rain, flooding communities and forcing thousands of residents to evacuate.
We know that May’s tragic events were intensified by climate change. We know the causes of climate change, the policy solutions that will blunt its impact and the effects it has on the environment and economy.
But residents and health professionals are often unaware of the effects climate change has on human health.
Join the Michigan Environmental Council's Conan Smith, MEC President & CEO, and Tina Reynolds, MEC Environmental Health Program Director, for a discussion on what those health impacts are; what role health professionals and entities have or should have in mitigating them; and what you can do to protect yourself and drive the health-climate conversation.
RSVP here to let us know you're going, then visit this link to register at Zoom and receive the webinar link & password for joining via computer or phone.
Can't attend the live webinar? Michigan Environmental Council will have an archived replay available soon after the live session. Your registration will give you access to the replay.